Double Glazed Windows
If we are renovating a window for you or creating a completely bespoke design for you then we make sure to conform to the latest double glazing standards.
Sash Windows Repair Service
We have a large range of sash windows repair services that we have been providing since 1980, over the years we have built up great relationships with our customers who have had the finest quality windows and doors of all types.
There is so much more we can do for you and your home or business to list them all would use all the bandwidth of the website!
All our designs are custom built and totally bespoke.
Sash Windows Repair Service
We never create two of the same door and never use factory designs. Our creations are completely unique and will fit in perfectly with your home whether to fit in with current period features or for a modern architectural design.
Our Specialist area is in the restoration of sash windows and we believe that if something can be restored we will do our very best to do so. If you need a new replica replacement window then we are the UK’s number one choice.
Sash Services
We make sure to treat our customers with the highest respect, our reputation in customer service has been built over many years of top quality service and results. Unlike most standard wooden window companies we have a zero tolerance approach towards pushy sales tactics.
We are considered experts in Sash Window renovation and design and can offer many services including the repair and replacement of windows.
Our Product Range and Sash Window Repair Services
Free Phone: 020 8935 5368